K-8 Uniform Policy

Skirts, Jumpers, Pants: Navy Blue Only

Polos: Light Blue or Official School Logo Polo (Red, Burgundy, Royal or Light Blue, White)

Shoes: Closed toe shoes must be worn at all times


High School Uniform Policy

Pants, Skirts, Shorts: Khaki or Navy Blue ONLY

Polos: Any SOLID color or Official School Logo Polo (Red, Burgundy, Light Blue, White, Gray)

Shoes: Closed toe shoes must be worn at all times


P.E. Uniform Policy*

Shirt: School PE shirt or a Gray/White T-Shirt.

Shorts or Sweat Pants: Navy or Black. Absolutely no leggings or tights.

Shoes: Closed toe athletic shoes.

*Not being in full PE uniform will keep a student from participating in class activities and affecting their grade. 


Dress Down Policy

Students are allowed to dress down if they are participating in our Dress Down Friday Fundraiser or whenever allowed by the teacher/administration. 

Shirts: Must adhere to our school philosophy and beliefs. No sleeveless shirts or tank tops. 

Jeans: Must be one solid color, with out holes or markings.

Dresses, Skirts, Shorts: May not go more than three fingers width above the knee when standing. Applies to boys too.


Hair, Nails and Jewelry*

- Hair color must be in natural hair colors.

- We do not require hair to be in a certain style or length as long as it is kept clean and tidy.

- Nail Polish is not allowed while students are in school.

- Acrylic nails not allowed in school. 

- The use of jewelry is not allowed in school. 


*If any student is wearing nail polish or jewelry they will be asked to remove it. We have nail polish remover at school. Any jewelry will be kept safe and returned to student at the end of the day.